When thinking about financial freedom, most people get scared or demotivated, because they think they need at least 1 million to retire or even more.But keep calm and read on, because this is not true! With optimism, a calculator and simple formula, you can find out how much money YOU actually need to spend your…
Author: Mr. Financial Freedom
My First Experience With Options Trading
Around 5 months ago I’ve decided to make my first experience with Options Trading. During the first lockdown due to COVID, I have ordered several finance books, including one related to options. Honestly, this topic is very overwhelming if you never heard about it. To better understand what I went through, you need to understand…
The One and Only Way To Find Your Bad Spending Habits
Today I want to talk about the one and only way to understand in which category you spend the most of your money and what your bad spending habits are. Since 2 years I know my expenses in detail, up to the penny. And it helped me to change the way I spend my money!…